The Standard Insurance Company Denial Lawyer
The Standard and Standard Insurance are brands used to market the products of StanCorp Financial Group, Inc. The Standard, headquartered in Portland, Oregon, was founded in the early 1900s and began issuing group insurance policies in the 1950s. Today the company’s own websites indicate that its group life, disability, and other policies cover more than 7 million U.S. employees. Even though the company sells individual disability policies, life insurance policies and other products, they deny claims wrongfully quite often and The Standard Insurance Company Denial Lawyer at Pillsbury & Coleman can help you fight for the compensation you rightfully deserve.
The Process for Disability Claims:
1. Initiating a Claim
For people who are disabled and have a policy with insurers as The Standard or Minnesota Mutual, almost immediately they can apply for the benefits by filing a claim. This procedure includes filing different forms that describe the disability, aspects of occupation such as duties and salary details, and letters from doctors who can state that this disability makes it difficult or impossible to fulfill vital functions of the job. After the necessary documents are submitted, the insurance company can accept a claim or request more information on it or possibly delay and deny any.
2. Handling Claim Delays or Denials
If an insurer is late in submitting or refusing a claim for disability, they should provide a detailed reason. Some common reasons for refusal include limitations imposed by certain conditions or injuries, policy constraints, lack of timely documentation, and disagreements over the medical evaluations of the disability. Response strategies differ based on unique situations. People covered by employer-based group disability insurance have to follow the administrative appeal according to ERISA before going to court. On the other hand, private insurance plan providers may have different processes depending on their policy terms; in some cases, preliminary administrative procedures can be avoided. In such cases, it is recommended to seek the counsel of The Standard Insurance Company Denial Lawyer for guidance in negotiating, arbitration or legal proceedings.
3. Understanding Administrative Appeals
An administrative appeal might be needed, depending on certain policies covered by ERISA . This process includes detailed documenting of disabling conditions and point by point refutation of the reasons of the insurer to deny coverage. In this process, it is important to follow the guidelines and deadlines strictly because if one doesn’t comply with them, he or she cannot take subsequent legal action. On account of the intricacy involved in these proceedings, it is advisable to seek legal advice from an experienced ERISA appeal lawyer.
4. Pursuing a Lawsuit
In the absence of policy terms or legal requirements demanding an administrative appeal or in cases where such an appeal is fruitless, it becomes feasible for one to file a lawsuit against the insurer. The type of lawsuit also depends on the actual insurance policy. Starting from the moment when a claim is filed, it is necessary to keep track of all documents and procedures relevant to that claim as some details have great significance in legal proceedings and may contribute to determining which side has won.
Successful Litigation Experience Against The Standard
Policyholder problems due to The Standard’s claim handling and denial practices were widely exposed in a 2009 Good Morning America story about a case in Florida. An accountant with multiple sclerosis was denied disability benefits based on the opinion of a doctor he had never seen, contradicting the opinions of 11 other physicians.
Our firm’s recent case successes include winning a federal court decision at trial for a brain injury victim whose benefits were improperly denied by Standard Insurance Company. This case also involved biased medical examiners and disregard for medical evidence. Other actions have targeted practices common to profit-focused insurers, such as excessive delays and demands for irrelevant information.
Taking Action For Victims Of Wrongful Claim Denials And Delays
At Pillsbury & Coleman, LLP, we assist clients with the ERISA appeals and litigation necessary to obtain benefits when problems arise with an employer-provided policy. Our San Francisco-Oakland Standard Insurance claims attorneys have decades of experience taking action against injustice and insurance bad faith for policyholders with individual LTD coverage and other policies governed by state laws.
If you are facing an LTD claim denial or other problems with The Standard, Standard Insurance or another insurer anywhere in California, please call our office at (415) 433-8000 or contact us for a free case evaluation.