Lawyers on Disability
Assisting Lawyers With Disability Claims Against Their Insurers
If you are like most attorneys, you probably have taken time to create a sound financial plan to ensure that your loved ones are taken care of in the event something happens to you. But, these plans often do not include disability insurance, and this is an oversight that can have a significant impact upon your future if you suffer from a serious illness or injury. You need to make sure that you obtain these policies to help you make ends meet as you recover from your current condition.
Unfortunately, insurance companies are not always willing to honor the promises that they make to you when you decide to purchase one of their policies. When you submit your disability claim to them, they may strongly object to providing you with the compensation that they are required to provide under the terms of your agreement. At Pillsbury & Coleman, LLP, our lawyers have helped many attorneys who have found themselves involved in disputes with their insurers.
How We Can Help
We will help you collect all of the necessary information to demonstrate that you are disabled and unable to perform the essential functions that are part of your day-to-day activities. We then will submit your requests to the insurance companies, and if they reject your claims or fail to pay, we will pursue all options available to us to help you get the compensation you deserve.
Our attorneys have successfully litigated against nearly every major insurance company doing business in California. Because of our experience as trial lawyers, we have a deep understanding of the demands of this profession. We are ready to show the court that your insurer is not meeting its obligations under the policy.
Schedule Your Consultation
To talk to one of our attorneys about your case, please call our San Francisco office at (415) 433-8000 or submit our convenient online contact form. We will get you and your family the relief that you need.