San Jose Disability Denials Lawyer
Experienced Disability Denials Attorneys Representing San Jose, CA
When you take out private disability insurance, you do so because you want a cushion in case something happens to you in the future. The honest truth is that you hope you never have to need this particular insurance coverage, but just in case you do, the policy is there for you to fall back on and a San Jose disability denials lawyer can be sure of this.
Then life happens and you are grateful you took out the disability insurance in the first place. You fill out your disability insurance claim with the full confidence that you will be paid your benefits. After all, you paid your premiums.
Then shocker! You get a letter from your insurance policy provider in the mail – your claim has been denied. You are first confused. You don’t understand why your claim was denied. Oh, the letter detailed some reasons for the denial, but you can’t even begin to decipher the language of the notice.
What are you going to do? The answer is quite straightforward. Pick up your phone and dial (888) 433-8335 to speak with a San Jose disability denials lawyer at the law firm of Pillsbury & Coleman, LLP.
We have over four decades’ experience of holding insurance companies accountable and have recovered millions of dollars for our clients who have been the victims of unfair actions by their insurance companies. We can help you, too.
What type of disability claim denial do you have?
There are different ways in which your disability claim may be denied. They include the following:
Credit disability insurance
It is also called accident and health insurance. If you had taken out a mortgage or a business loan and then become disabled, the insurance coverage steps in and pays the minimum monthly payments directly to your lender on your behalf.
If you have run into a claim denial or other problem with your credit disability insurance, contact us immediately. We will analyze your policy, consider your health condition, evaluate all relevant circumstances and counsel you on your best option.
Lawyers on disability
As a professional, you most likely have a sound financial plan in place to take care of your loved ones if something happens to you. Sometimes, insurance policy providers intentionally omit or remove disability clauses from their policy.
Even if you’re a lawyer, if you don’t know where to look, insurers could play a fast one on you.
So if an accident happens that results in a disability, you would have nothing to fall back on as the insurer would claim that their policy does not cover such.
At Pillsbury & Coleman, LLP, our disability denial lawyers have helped many attorneys who have found themselves involved in disputes with their insurers. We can help you too.
Individual long term disability
We will contest your long term disability claim denials based on:
- Disputes over whether your condition meets the definition of disability in your policy and/or what types of work you can still perform.
- The findings of independent medical examiners (IMEs) the insurer may hire to dispute the findings of your treating doctors and support its position on your claim.
- Retroactive cancellation of your policy, known as rescinding or “rescission” of coverage, based on claims that you omitted a pre-existing condition or otherwise gave incomplete information on your application for LTD coverage.
Business overhead expense insurance
You purchased a business overhead expense insurance or one similar to it because you did not want your business to suffer if you have a disabling or limiting injury. Now what you feared has happened – you have suffered a disabling injury and you expect your insurance coverage to step in and bridge the income gap, but you were denied.
We understand the devastating impact such denial will have on you personally and on your business. We will assess, contest and overcome the denial as we know insurance company strategies and tactics for avoiding payment of claims.
Get Expert Help: Reach Out to Our San Jose Disability Denials Lawyer Today
We are respected state-wide and renowned for our effectiveness in getting results for our clients. When you retain our services, you can rest assured that your case is in great hands and that you will get satisfactory results. With a solid reputation, we will use compassion and the care needed to help and assist you with your case, whatever it may be. Contact us today for a free consultation.