Long-Term Care Insurance: Claims-handling Practices Used To Deny Claims Can Lead to Staggeringly High Punitive Damages For those who have practiced disability insurance litigation, the conduct of many long-term care insurance companies today is rather head-scratching. Did insurers really learn nothing from all the multi-million-dollar punitive damage awards from juries across the
P&C Case Highlighted in Law 360 Publication
Ex-NFL Player Owed Disability Benefits By Abby Wargo Law360 (June 2, 2022, 3:44 PM EDT) — A California federal judge found that the National Football League’s retirement board abused its discretion by denying a former San Diego Chargers player benefits for a spinal injury that permanently disabled him. U.S. Magistrate Judge Jacqueline
What are reasons why individuals are denied disability insurance?
Many individuals regularly sit down and look at their budgets in an effort to find ways to cut their costs. One of the first expenses that workers start to question is insurance costs. Many individuals may think of it as unnecessary to have disability insurance. That’s not the case though. This coverage
An insurance denial is not the end
You try to use your long-term disability insurance, but you get denied. Since you know you are disabled, you’re shocked. Is this all you can do? Is that the end of it? It’s not. Appeals are possible and even common. You may be able to make multiple appeals. Do not assume you are out
Tricks of the disability insurance trade: Deny until death
What’s one sure-fire way insurance companies can avoid paying out a long-term disability claim? When the policyholder dies before he or she can collect. That seems rather obvious and makes sense — until you realize that some long-term insurance companies will frequently find ways to delay payment on a long-term disability policy as long
Can work incidents result in long-term disability?
California residents who get involved in work-related incidents can end up with injuries that result in short or long-term disability. In these cases, Pillsbury & Coleman, LLP, are here to help you deal with the insurance situation. “Work-related incidents” is a term that covers a very large scope of possible happenings which
What is ‘own occupation’ and ‘any occupation’ disability?
There are two main categories of long-term disability insurance (LTD), based on the definition of disability. The first threshold is “own occupation,” meaning that you receive disability benefits if you are unable to perform your regular job. The other threshold is “any occupation,” meaning that you receive disability benefits only if you
Important elements of disability policies
Most people in California do not ever expect to become disabled. Nonetheless, there is no way to ever completely eliminate this from potentially happening. For this reason, many people do look into buying insurance policies that can provide them with some income should they unexpectedly be unable to work for extended periods
The importance of long-term disability insurance
For many people in California, the thought of being disabled may seem like something that will never happen to them. However, even a person who today is able-bodied and in excellent health can experience an accident that changes their life forever. The possibility of an unforeseen medical diagnosis also always exists. It
Are PTSD triggers real?
Insurance companies in California may be more reluctant to pay long-term disability benefits to individuals whose symptoms are not measurable and quantifiable. If you suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, you may have difficulty convincing an insurance company that certain conditions trigger your symptoms. Adjusters and others who work for the insurance company