You trusted your insurance company. You made those monthly payments because you believed that they would be there for you when you needed them. Then you filed a valid claim, and they denied it. You can’t believe it. You feel like they robbed you, essentially. They took your money and then refused to
Why is my insurer demanding an independent medical exam?
Monday, October 14, 2019. One of the most common questions we get is about independent medical examinations. You are limping along (perhaps literally) on disability, and out of the blue the insurance company wants proof that you are still disabled. This is disheartening and scary. An unfavorable exam could cancel your benefits
What can I do about a denied insurance claim?
When making a homeowners’ insurance claim, you trust the company you work with will find a satisfactory resolution to your problem. However, this is not always the case. Insurance claims are often denied, or pay out less than you’re expecting. Nerdwallet explains some of the steps you can take to dispute a denied insurance
Another Landmark Victory Against Travelers Insurance
State court ruled CGL policy exclusion was too ambiguous to enforce The law firm of Pillsbury & Coleman LLP prevailed again in ongoing litigation against Traveler’s Insurance on behalf of a commercial policyholder. A California state court ruling, the first of its kind, declared that Travelers could not rely on a vague
What evasive maneuvers could insurance companies make?
As a Californian, you rely on your insurance to help you out when you need aid. You can also rely on Pillsbury & Coleman, L.L.P., to help you out if your insurance companies fail to provide what you require. Unfortunately, insurance companies aren’t always going to be on your side. This can
New wildfires likely means new fire loss claim denials
Homeowners in wildfire country are often hit with a double tragedy. First, their home is damaged or destroyed, and then in the aftermath, the insurance company finds some reason to deny their property insurance claim. Just as predictable as wildfire season, we tend to see a “fire loss denial season” months later
Cancer disability claims are frequently denied
Cancer is one of the most common causes of disability. But many cancer patients who invoke their long term disability insurance have their claims denied. The stated reasons for denial vary, but typically the rationale is that the person is “not disabled enough.” It is possible to fight back against a claim
How to file a claim if your home was damaged in a fire
California is again facing a series of wildfires, with numerous large and small blazes burning throughout the state. Some Californians are being forced to evacuate their homes when fires get too close. Being forced to flee from your home is difficult, but returning to a seriously damaged or destroyed home can be emotionally
Lifetime Disability Benefits
Some insurance companies offer lifetime disability benefits. They usually come at an additional fee (or premium) and are attached to the policy as an “endorsement” or “rider” to the policy. But not all lifetime coverage is created equal. Some policies – usually those that were issued in the 1980’s or 1990’s – merely continue your benefits
All disability policies are not created equal
Most of us are covered by disability policies through our employers. Premiums are paid by payroll deductions and coverage is described in a summary plan description. Those policies (subject to a few exceptions discussed below) are governed by federal law, specifically, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA“). These laws