Multi-count lawsuit alleges ERISA violations

When people in California elect to participate in their employer’s retirement account program, they should be able to trust that their money and best interests will be properly taken care of. Every fund that falls under the jurisdiction of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act is supposed to be administered in a way that

Examples of bad faith by insurance companies

Most people in California have at least one type of insurance policy in their name but it is not uncommon to hold multiple insurance policies. These might include some combination of automotive insurance, homeowner’s insurance, renter’s insurance, health insurance, life insurance, and disability insurance. Regardless of the type of policy and what

The importance of long-term disability insurance

For many people in California, the thought of being disabled may seem like something that will never happen to them. However, even a person who today is able-bodied and in excellent health can experience an accident that changes their life forever. The possibility of an unforeseen medical diagnosis also always exists. It

Civil ERISA violations

If you are like a lot of people in California, you have a retirement fund that is governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. Since it was first enacted in 1974, this act has provided protection for countless employees by outlining the responsibilities of retirement plan administrators and sponsors. These responsibilities

What can I do about a denied insurance claim?

When making a homeowners’ insurance claim, you trust the company you work with will find a satisfactory resolution to your problem. However, this is not always the case. Insurance claims are often denied, or pay out less than you’re expecting. Nerdwallet explains some of the steps you can take to dispute a denied insurance

Beware of disability claims coded as sick vs. injured

Insurance company bait-and-switch trick cuts off LTD benefits at age 65 Many professionals and high earners purchased long-term disability insurance decades ago. They were relieved that the LTD policy kicked in later when they had to stop working because of a disabling condition. Until they turn 65 and get blindsided with a

Supreme Court asked to weigh in on forum selection clauses

Among the many benefits offered to employees by companies in California is the ability to participate in a retirement plan such as a 401K. These are often governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. What many employees may not be aware of is that if they ever disagree with the benefits

Another Landmark Victory Against Travelers Insurance

State court ruled CGL policy exclusion was too ambiguous to enforce The law firm of Pillsbury & Coleman LLP prevailed again in ongoing litigation against Traveler’s Insurance on behalf of a commercial policyholder. A California state court ruling, the first of its kind, declared that Travelers could not rely on a vague

Are PTSD triggers real?

Insurance companies in California may be more reluctant to pay long-term disability benefits to individuals whose symptoms are not measurable and quantifiable. If you suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, you may have difficulty convincing an insurance company that certain conditions trigger your symptoms. Adjusters and others who work for the insurance company

Do you have a bad faith claim on your hands?

Californian residents like you rely on your insurance for vital, every-day things. This can include medical procedures, medication, routine doctor visits, and other things that your life and well-being rely on. When insurance companies refuse to honor their policies, it can be a huge blow. Not all states have the same requirements